Here are some play-based learning suggestions for your child:
- Counting games from 1-20 and backwards.
- Find and draw the shapes you can see in your house.
- Sorting based activities, sort by colour and shapes.
- Using blocks to build looking at balance, size, shape, weight, height and planning.
- Read a book together. Talk about the beginning, middle and end of the story. Draw a picture about the main events. What do you think might happen next?
- Guided drawing – scroll down to see some suggested guided drawing maps or Google guided drawing for other suggestions.
- Practise name writing.
- Use playdough or kinetic sand.
- Improve a students fine motor control with activities including the use of pegs, tongs or scissors.
- Draw a picture about your day. Think about what did you do? What did you eat? Where did you play? Record this using drawings.
Online Learning Suggestions
When your child is using the internet please ensure they are supervised at all times.
Click on the following links for recommended websites that can be used at home to reinforce learning.
- Visit ABCYA Pre-K educational games for word games, math games, strategy games, skill based games and holiday themed games.
- Super Simple Songs on YouTube hold a variety of favourite songs including: A Sailor Went To Sea, Alice The Camel, 5 Cheeky Monkeys, Down By The Bay, Open Shut Them, One Little Finger, The Ants Go Marching, The Bees Go Buzzing, Wheels On The Bus and Old Macdonald Had A Farm.
- Jack Hartmann Kids Music Channel on YouTube has some songs that involve exercising while counting that are fun to do.
- Dream English on YouTube has a good counting to 100 song and many more songs for students to enjoy.
Help Around The Home
We encourage children to develop their self-help skills by helping you!
Together you can:
- Cook simple meals
- Sort and fold washing (pair socks together, fold towels in half)
- set the dinner table
- make the bed
- tidy bedroom and playroom
Outdoor Learning Suggestions
Leaning doesn't just happen indoors. Here are some suggested activities that can assist learning when outside.
- fundamental movement skills including: running, jumping, skipping, thorwing, bouncing, kicking and catching a ball, hopping, skipping, galloping and leaping.
- gardening, plant some seeds and watch them grow. Draw your garden.
- musical statues or free dancing.
- chalk drawing on the path or driveway.
- You can also go to the Healthy Kids website for more information and fun games to play together.
Other learning suggestions
- play a board or card game together. Memory, Snap Uno Trouble and Monopoly Junior.
- Dramatic play with dolls, cars, dinosaurs, dress ups or play kitchen.
- Reseach an animal and draw a picture of it.