Marayong Public School

Learn By Doing

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Stage 2 - Week 2

At home learning for students in stage 2

Stage 2 teachers have setup many activities on Google Classroom. The following link is a document containing information for parents about Google Classroom.

Morning Session: Select an English activity each day

  • I had a DreamWrite a narrative (story) of a dream that you had recently. Include details of the characters, setting, the problem and resolution.
  • Cartoon HerosWatch your favourite tv show. Retell what happened in the beginning, middle and end by turning it into a comic strip with words and illustrations.
  • Monitoring Read a text with a family member and when you don’t understand something ask them what it means. After you have read the text write a paragraph about how your family member helped you understand confusing parts of the text.
  • Making ConnectionsAfter reading an imaginative text write the similarities and differences that you have with the main character. You can do this by drawing a picture of the main character and a picture of you and labelling both.
  • Pros and Cons - Children should complete chores after school. Write a list of pros and cons for this statement. Decide, what do you think about it?
  • Painting Landscapes - Write a detailed description of your backyard. If a family member read your description would they be able to paint it in their mind?
  • Activating Prior KnowledgeBefore reading a text look at the front cover and title. Does it remind you of something that has happened to you before? Write a recount of this experience.
  • VisualisingAfter reading a section of an imaginative text (e.g. a chapter) draw what the character sees from their perspective. Write down some vivid verbs and awesome adjectives that you could use to describe this.

Middle Session: Select a Maths activity each day

  • Angled Letters - Write the first letter of your name in block letters and identify the angles you have created and how many you have of each - right angles, obtuse and acute. Extend - Write your whole name
  • Whole Number - Research the distance between Canberra (Australia’s capital city) and 5 other capital cities around the world. Order the distances from the shortest to the longest.
  • Real Life Maths - Using a take-away menu, order dinner for your family. List each item and how much it costs, then calculate the total price. Decide on the best straegy to use. Show your working out. Finally, you can use a calculator to check your calculations.
  • aMAZEing - Draw a maze that has dead ends and many different directions. On another piece of paper write down directions to guide a family member to get to the end. Extend - Build your maze with building blocks
  • Lolly DataUsing M&Ms or Skittles - tally the colours and amounts of each colour then transfer your data into a column graph.
  • Number Patterns - Create a number pattern that increases and a number pattern that decreases. Describe the rule for each pattern.
  • Division Write 5 real-life word problems that need to be solved using division (no remainder). Answer each problem and show your working.
  • Let’s measure - Choose 5 objects to measure. You may use a ruler or something else such as paddle pop sticks. First estimate how long you think it will be then measure.

Afternoon Session: Select any activity you like that interests you

  • Makin’ Music - Choose items around the house that would work as instruments. Create and rehearse a tune that you can perform in front of an audience.
  • Drama - Watch one of your favourite television shows. Create a mind map showing all the ways the actors use their voice, face and bodies to portray their character. Choose a character’s scene to re-enact and record your performance to upload on The Google Classroom.
  • Nature WalkGo on a nature walk around your backyard and pay close attention to the bugs that live there. Sketch a bug, taking note of all the details. Extend - Use recyclable materials to create the bugs environment as a collage.
  • Rock Scavenger Hunt - Investigate the rocks you may find in your backyard. How are they different from each other? Why might they be different?
  • International CelebrationChoose an international Celebration that you and your family celebrate. Use words and pictures to describe the celebration and why you celebrate it.
  • Boot Camp - Set up a boot camp at home and include some exercises that you know how to do. Get a family member to join in with you. Don’t forget to stretch.

At Home Spelling Week Two

  • Consonants and Vowels - Write each of your words. Use two colours – one colour for the consonants and one colour for the vowels. Consonants – b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z. Vowels – a, e, I, o, u
  • Letter to a friend - Write a letter to a friend and try to use as many of your spelling words as you can.  Remember – not to just list your spelling words. 
  • Rhyme Time - Choose 3 words, write a word that rhymes with each words Eg. look – book, took, hook 
  • Type - Go on the computer and type your spelling words in a word document. Type them 3 times and try to type quicker each time. 
  • Association - Choose 3 words and draw a picture you associate with that word.
  • ABC - Write all your words in alphabetical order. Example: apple, banana, carrot, eggplant, guava
  • Word search - Create a grid and create a word search with as many of your spelling words as you can. Give it someone to finish. 
  • Scrambled Words - Scramble the words of your spelling words and give it to someone. Can they unscramble the words? Eg. watch – hwtca