Marayong Public School

Learn By Doing

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Kindergarten - Week 2

At Home Learning for students in kindergarten


Spend time reading a book every day. This can be a home reader or a book you have at home. Use the questions below to discuss the book.

  • Who were the main characters in the book?
  • Who was your favourite character and why?
  • What was the problem in the story?
  • What happened in the book?
  • Did you see any sight words?
  • How did the story make you feel and why?

Sight Words

Practice 3-5 sight words a day in different ways (see attached sheet):

  • Rainbow words - Write your words in rainbow colours
  • Ghost words - write the word in white and shade over with a colour to reveal the word.
  • Word Search - Find your words in books and magazines. Take a photo of what you find.
  • Digital Words - Type your words onto the computer or iPad.
  • Cut & Paste - Make your words using letters cut out from magazines.

Sight Word List

The following words are the necessary sight words that students in kindergarten should practice.

is, the, and, for, a, on, I, am, went, to, this, can, we, are, like, my, in, see, look, here, said, come, at, you, little, me, go, he, she, was.

Choices Menu

Choose 3 activities to complete each day. The 3 activities should include 1 activitiy from each list (fine motor, maths and extra)  

Fine motor 

  • Draw a simple maze that you can cut out. 
  • Use some kitchen tongs to pick up some small toys. 
  • Play with playdough.
  • Practise writing your name with water or paint outside.
  • Use hair ties to decorate a toilet roll insert. 
  • Make a house out of playing cards


  • Use an online or a catalogue from the mail to make a Wishlist for your birthday, your limit is $50. Record your Wishlist
  • Build a house.or a tower out of lego and use a ruler to measure how tall it is.
  • Draw what you have built.
  • Make a pattern with lego or your toys.
  • Use your toys to make a zoo. Count how many animals are in each cage.
  • Use 10 lego blocks to make a shape. Draw what you made.
  • Find different containers from around your home. Find out which container holds the most


  • Help your parents/guardians make breakfast/lunch or dinner
  • Do a guided drawing of your favourite animal.
  • Go for a walk in your garden. Collect some natural items that you can use (sticks, leaves, rocks). Make a self portrait.
  • Go for a walk in your garden. Collect some natural items that you can use (sticks, leaves, rocks). Make a home for an animal.
  • Play a board game with your family or friends
  • Learn a new song and teach it to a friend or sibling. There are lots on youtube!

Research project

Use World Book Online to research your favourite zoo animal. The username is mps00 and the password is mps00.

These questions could be asked to guide their research:

  • What is the name of your animal? 
  • What does the animal look like?
  • Where does the animal live?
  • What food does the animal eat?
  • Any interesting facts about your animal?

The project may be presented in any form the students choose. Some examples include a PowerPoint presentation, Poster, Diorama, Speech etc.