Term 1 - Week 11 Spelling List
Level 1
Visual - gone, goes, ghost
Morphemic (rule) - school's boy's
Phonemic (sound) - creature, moisture
Etymology (history) - antemeridian
Level 2
Visual - gaiety, gala
Morphemic (rule) - Peter's, Australia's
Phonemic (sound) - fracture, juncture
Etymology (history) - anticipate
Level 3
Visual - who's, gorilla, guerrilla
Morphemic (rule) -Girl's People's
Phonemic (sound) - overture, puncture
Etymology (history) - antelucan
ballistic, barbarian, bountiful, benevolent, bashful
Extention +
bereavement, bamboozle, behaviour
Morphemic Rule: Add an apostrophe and s to indicate ownership to a noun
Phonemic Focus: - ture
Etymology Focus: ante LATIN before
- The school’s policy meant that the puncture on Billy’s bike tyre would have him push the bike home.
- It can be hard to anticipate the amount of moisture needed for the Creature’s cake mixture.
- At this juncture, the gorilla exhibit has suffered a fracture evidenced by the how the door goes, “squeak, squeak.”