Marayong Public School

Learn By Doing

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Suggested Educational Websites

Support - Recommended educational websites

Click on the following links for recommended websites that can be used at home to reinforce learning.

  • Scholastic learn at home  is a free resource which provides your children with days of exciting articles and stories, videos, and fun learning challenges. Children can complete them anytime, in any order. They can work on their own or together with you and your family. The active learning journeys are available on any device and will provide your child with up to three hours’ worth of exciting learning experiences per day. They can go on virtual field trips, meet best-selling authors, or dig deep into a topic they love.
  • World Book Online is a subscription paid for by the school. The username is mps00 and the password is mps00. It can be used for research but also has many eBooks that the computer can read aloud and many other games and activities.
  • Visit ABCYA educational games for word games, math games, strategy games, skill based games and holiday themed games. 
  • Topmarks  gives children the opportunity to learn online, through safe, fun and engaging games and activities. Choose either Maths or English and then the category like counting or letters and sounds then pick a game.
  • Jack Hartmann Kids Music Channel on YouTube has some songs that involve exercising while counting that are fun to do and many more.
  • Dream English on YouTube has a good counting to 100 song and many more songs for students to enjoy
  • Studyladder offers a sequential learning program that includes videos, interactive activities, worksheets and assessments for reporting to teachers and to parents.
  • On the Starfall website children have fun while learning in an environment of collaboration, wonderment, and play. We teach through positive reinforcement to ensure children become confident, intrinsically motivated, and successful. Subjects include English, mathematics and themes.
  • Vooks is a kid-safe, ad-free streaming library of read-aloud animated storybooks. It has the option to read a number of books for free or you can join for 1 month for a free trial.
  • Storyline Online, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. Readers include Viola Davis, Chris Pine, Lily Tomlin, Kevin Costner, Annette Bening, James Earl Jones, Betty White and dozens more.
  • The Typing Club is a web based and highly effective touch typing program. It is (and will always be) free for both individuals and schools.
  • The Typing Tournament has free 1 minute and 3 minute touch typing tests or you can start a free trial.
  • Super Simple Songs on YouTube holds a variety of favourite songs including: A Sailor Went To Sea, Alice The Camel, 5 Cheeky Monkeys, Down By The Bay, Open Shut Them, One Little Finger, The Ants Go Marching, The Bees Go Buzzing, Wheels On The Bus and Old Macdonald Had A Farm.
  • GoNoodle Good Energy at Home is a free online resource that provides ways for kids and families to move and learn together. It offers free:
    • Movement, yoga, and mindfulness videos
    • Downloadable curricular activities
    • Recommended off-screen home activities
  • Just Dance on YouTube has many videos showing dance moves that students can copy and dance along with.
  • Cosmic Kids Yoga is a yoga, mindfulness and relaxation for kids YouTube channel. It tells interactive adventure stories while using yoga which builds strength, balance and confidence - and get kids into yoga and mindfulness early!
  • Art For Kids Hub is a YouTube channel that a family has created demonstrating step by step how to draw many different things.
  • Teach Starter is a website that creates thousands of teaching resources for use in a classroom. The team at Teach Starter has created a series of free Learning From Home Packs for each year level from Kindergarten to Year 6 to support teachers and parents during potential school closures. The packs include resources covering the key learning areas of English, Maths and Science, along with some additional craft and mindfulness activities – all for free!
  • Twinkl is offering teachers, carers and parents  free access to all Twinkl resources during the Coronavirus outbreak in preparation for potential school closures in Australia. Just type in the code AUSTRCODE when signing up. Twinkl also has a number of really helpful guides, designed for parents, for different areas of the curriculum. Parents can go to the dedicated parents' hub which contains hundreds of educational activities designed for use at home.